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The group as a whole is a good mixture of scientists involved in several areas of research and expertise, well fitted to complete the objectives of the proposal and to expand its results and influence well beyond the limits of the scientific research into the realm of the real social world. A project of this kind needs a complex mixture of expertise, from health professionals, to social scientists, artists and social influencers. Furthermore, we combine a deep methodological background with the capacity of innovation, societal engagement and the ability to work together as a team.
Our history is based on interesting and inspiring meetings at the DIPEx international annual meetings. At our meeting in 2019 we decided to get involved in putting together sister projects in different countries and work on methods to contribute to arts based knowledge transfer. If we had to choose a precise moment where our strongest links were born this could be while sharing the short film “This time, yes”, that was presented at this meeting as a result of the DIPEx Spain module on infertility. Since then different members of the DIPEx International Collaboration have decided to work together on this path, including other researchers who had collaborated with each of us outside DIPEx.
Our last presential meeting was held in Tenerife (Spain) in February 2020, thanks to a grant from the Science and Innovation Spanish Ministry to support researchers to participate in European research calls, lead by Dr. Vinita Mahtani-Chugani.

The following quote summaries the belief that has pulled together the researchers involved in the MUSA Experience project:
“Many little people, in little places, doing little things, can change the world.” Eduardo Galeano (1940-2015)

I am a Specialist in Family and Community Medicine and hold a PhD in Medicine. I work at the Research Unit of Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria and Primary care of Tenerife, in Spain, where I lead a line of research in health problems using qualitative methods. I am the scientific coordinator of DIPEx Spain: I was trained in qualitative methods thanks to a grant from the Institute of Carlos III Spanish Ministry of Health, at the International Institute for Qualitative Methods at University of Alberta in Canada, at the Oxford University and Exeter University in UK. I teach in different health care professional disciplines. I have developed skills in systematic review methods, qualitative research, public participation involvement, research design and arts based research. Since the beginning of my research career, I have always been interested in searching for credible and rigorous methods to make social changes. I consider myself an amateur storyteller and story writer.

Hege Kristin Andreassen holds a PhD in sociology and has her daily work at UiT the arctic university of Norway, where she is Head of department at the Centre for women and gender studies. She is also affiliated to NTNU – the Norwegian university of science and technology, and the Principal investigator of the Norwegian Dipex team. Hege`s research has been oriented towards health and technologies, and she has had a special interest for patient perspectives. In her current work she aims to include gender and feminist perspectives to further unpack the details of peoples experiences of health and from relating to new technologies as part of their health management.

I'm a nurse by background, master in nursing science and PhD in health sciences.
Researcher in the topic of relieving suffering at the end-of-life and palliative care. With more than 40 articles published in JCR journals. Member of several grants and main researcher of several national grants. Main researcher of a multidisciplinary research team. Co-Director of the WeCare Chair: end-of-life care. Director of Nursing department and senior lecturer at Universitat Internacional de Catalunya.

Nienke Verheij has a master in Movement Sciences and works as a researcher at the unit Applied Health Research of the department of Health Sciences in the University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on the field of experiences of patients and their quality of life.
She is coordinator of the Dutch DIPEx- website that presents experiences of patients and caregivers addressing various conditions, by using the DIPEx methodology. Her current research focuses on patient experiences related to COVID-19 and informal care and work. She is also involved in the DIPEx International Network.

Manna Alma has a master in Movement Sciences and holds a PhD in Health Sciences. She works as a
senior researcher at the unit Applied Health Research of the University Medical Center Groningen (Netherlands). As an experienced qualitative researcher, Manna is interested in the narrative analysis of patient experiences. She has been leading several qualitative research project in patient experiences. Manna is Secretary of the Board of DIPEx International and Principal investigator of the Dutch Dipex team works. She is involved in several DIPEx projects, among others, one focusing on experiences of having a psychosis in collaboration with Erasmus University Rotterdam and the VU Amsterdam. She also is a trainer in qualitative research methodology.

I am a physician who graduated from the University of La Laguna (ULL). Since 2013 I have been part of the DIPEx Spain research team. At present, I am also part of the Coordinating Committee and Experts of the Forum of the Medical Profession for the safeguarding of the Doctor-Patient Relationship and of the Working Group on Mental Health of the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine. I have a special interest in communication in health as a way to democratice the relationship through a narrative approach.

BA in Fine Arts (Image Specialty), University of Barcelona in 1988. PhD in Fine Arts, University of Barcelona in 1993. Design professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of La Laguna since 1990, where he teaches History and Theory of Design, Design Innovation, Design Management and Motion Graphics. He was pioneer in motion graphics design in Spain, and co-founder in 1994 of La Mirada producciones, where, as filmmaker, he has worked in art direction, motion graphics and commercial, animation series and short films direction.
He is Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of La Laguna since 2008 and director of the Master in design for tourism at the University of La Laguna since 2011. Between 2003 and 2004 he collaborated in the National Board that elaborated the White Book for the Fine Arts Studies of BA in Spain, according to the Bologna Plan, presented and accepted by ANECA (Spanish University Quality Agency) in 2004. He is member of the Design investigation group of the University of La Laguna, where he directs the Ecodesign program PROCEDER.

Carmen Real Perera is a sociologist, social and cultural anthropologist, and a master's degree in Anthropology and Ethnography.
She has worked on different qualitative projects related to political anthropology and Saharawi ethnology (Fundació Agustí Pedro i Pons-University of Barcelona, General Directorate of Relations with Africa-Government of the Canary Islands and LPGC University Foundation), health anthropology (www.dipex .es), and popular ethnography with a female gender perspective ( In addition to systematic reviews or evaluations of health services and programs at the European, state and Canary Islands level, for DIPEx Spain has participated in research on experiences of palliative care, arterial hypertension, reproductive health and ADHD following the methodology of
In this area has also developed the artistic transformation of conclusions into a short film recognized with an honorable mention in the XX SCIENCE IN ACTION 2019 Competition “Scientific Short Film” (S/M GROUP Award) and the visual representation of results on the web. On the subject of popular ethnography, she points out that one of the objectives has been the musical composition of songs based on a selection of the data collected.
On the other hand, her training and experience in management of virtual social networks, design, marketing, voice over and creation of different audiovisual formats applies and guides them to the dissemination of science, including the line of art and science.

Maria Dolores Marrero Díaz.MD, PhD. I am a Family Physician working currently in rural primary care center in Tenerife (Spain), although I have also had responsabilities in Health Care Management. I am a Clinical Teacher for Medican Internal Residents of Family Medicine. And I teach research methodology to Midwives Nursing residents. CPA in Narrative Medicine by Columbia University. My artistic side is music, and I play the French horn.

I’m a physician and a University Teacher. When I finished my Medical studies in 1981, I worked as a GP for several years and as a junior teacher at the University of La Laguna before spending a couple of years at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm (Sweden). Since then, I combined the research and teaching in Clinical Pharmacology with international comparative research, using qualitative methodology, in children. During all these years, my main work on clinical pharmacology has been related to the epidemiology of the use of drugs, pharmacovigilance and the improvement of the efficacy and safety of drugs, with particular emphasis in Psycho pharmacology and paediatrics. Currently, I’m a full professor in Clinical Pharmacology and Head of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at the University Hospital of the Canary Islands.
The work related to medical anthropology and qualitative research began as early as 1986, and since then, I’ve been involved in several international research projects. We build the DIPEx Spain group in 20__, and from 2015-2017 I was elected as the President of I recognized that the social and cultural factors and the patient’s experiences and perceptions are as relevant, if not more, than the pure biomedical considerations. So that health professional needs to consider all these aspects towards a more judicious use of medicines. The conversion of scientific results into art-works is an exciting field in which I’ve been involved since the beginning of these works.
Finally, I’m also very much concerned for the ethical aspects of biomedicine, and I’m the Director of the Interuniversity Master program in Bioethics and Biolaw

Joyce Lamerichs was trained as a Science and Technology (STS) scholar and then moved to Discursive Psychology and Conversation Analysis as the main perspectives she uses to study patient-provider interactions and patients' accounts of health and illness.
Most of her research is situated in applied Conversation Analysis, which means that she often collaborates with health professionals who want to reflect on their conversational practices when interacting with clients. It also means that she feeds back her findings to health professionals to facilitate reflection on professional vision.
Her interest also lies with the ways patients tell the story of their illness, both in narrative interviews as well as by examining the language of illness stories told in blogs and vlogs. For this purpose, she examines how patients make use of specific language features to relate their story and what we can learn from that. One of her funded research projects in this area has looked at how the metaphors used by elderly people who experience the onset of Alzheimer's disease, offer a rich resource to use in educational settings. It can aid students in grasping what it means to live with this condition and they can use the metaphors themselves to relate to caregivers. In her work she is always exploring how people connect the language they use to identity work.
Joyce Lamerichs teaches in the MA programme Dialogue, Health and Society at VU University in Amsterdam and is also trainer at the Dutch Centre for Dialogue.

I am a senior researcher and expert on a qualitative approach in research of health from a
life course perspective. He is and initiator and leader of the Olomouc University Social Health
Institute (OUSHI). He participates in research projects focused on social and spiritual determinants of
health in vulnerable groups of the population (e.g., adolescents, elderly, chronically ill). He is a
national coordinator for the DIPEx methodology in the Czech Republic and a member of the Czech
HBSC team. He is a professor in Clinical Psychology (Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic,

He holds a PhD in social work. He has worked as a psychotherapist, but currently is a
member of the academic staff at the Olomouc University Social Health Institute (OUSHI). His
background is also technical, and he used to teach at the Technical University of Liberec in the field
of elasticity and strength. For a long time, he worked as a freelancer in project management. All this
experience is useful for cooperation with his colleagues on many projects which are carried out by
OUSHI. His research has been oriented towards ageing, wellbeing, and new technology. Currently he
is a leader of one work package in Horizon 2020 project called SHAPES.

She is a qualitative sociologist focusing primarily on the sociology of health, illness and medicine. She currently works at the Olomouc University Social Health Institute (OUSHI) as a researcher and a teacher. Between 2019 and 2021, she led the research based on the DIPEx methodology focused on the experience of patients with Lyme disease. In the past, she worked for a research agency, where in addition to qualitative research she also guaranteed the so-called "neuro research", which consisted of a combination of qualitative methodology with the use of EEG, reaction times, recall questionnaires and eye-trackers. She also taught at the Department of Medical Ethics and Humanities at the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and at the
Department of Sociology, Andragogy and Cultural Anthropology, Palacky University in Olomouc. As a
teacher, she specializes primarily in General Sociology, Sociology of Health, Illness and Medicine and the Qualitative Methodology.